Between Here and There

Is there a gap between the life you long for and the one you’re currently living? Meaning, when you think of your ideal life, your best life—are you already living it, or is there still a ways to go before you get there?  If you’re already...

Do It Because You Love It

There’s where we are right now and where we want to be. Or, who we are right now and who we wish to be.  Or, how.   There’s always a gap between the life we have and the life we wish to live.  That is the exact thing that generates the energy of life.  With each...

September 18, 2016—Day 261 (WD 542)

Glorious Morning, Dearest Creator! Last evening was quite a wonderful evening, and it appears that we received a bit of rain overnight.  What good fortune. Each morning I brew my coffee, pour myself a cup, grab my clipboard and pen and settle down to a view outside,...

Playful Dance!

Preamble One benefit I’ve experienced from my more routine writing practice is that I’m capturing thoughts and phrases that sometimes really tickle me.  This is not meant to pat myself on the back, it’s just the expression of a hunch that has popped up for me.  When a...