December 14, 2016—Day 348 (WD 629)

Always the Wonder, Dearest Creator! Here, I witness another sunrise.  One moment, clouds; then, a short time later, clear skies shaded in pink and orange hues, blending into baby sky-blue. Sunrise is in the name of my business.  It symbolizes, to me, the fresh start,...

October 14, 2016—Day 287 (WD 568)

To the Sunrise, O Highest Power! This morning, there was a gap between the cloud cover and the horizon, and the dawn lavished the undersides of all those bulges and ridges with a spicy bright orange that reminded me of cinnamon.  But, the clouds were exiting, rather...

Fresh Eyes

It’s a magical, powerful moment to share, when a person begins to see a new reality, a new potential for him/herself.  When s/he starts to believe, to feel that spark, that her/his life can be more of what the heart craves and the soul sings. Deepak &...

Sunrise after the Longest Night

Tonight is crisp, and bone-chillingly cold. The temperature is in the low 20’s, but the wind chill makes it feel only single digits above zero Fahrenheit. The night sky is sharp and clear; Orion is prominent overhead. Smoke curls from most every chimney; the...