The Fear You See in the Mirror

The Fear You See in the Mirror

Fear. How do you feel about feeling afraid? What do you think about your fears? How do you react when you feel afraid? As men, we are taught that fear is bad, feeling afraid is weakness, and showing fear is dangerous and makes us vulnerable. So, what are you supposed...

A Place To Be You

One of the remarkable things that happens in my coaching practice is to see a theme emerge from multiple conversations. The “life is a wonderful mystery” part of me sees this as a nudge from the Universe. Another side of me, though, recognizes this as the reminder...

Are You Enough?

I see it a lot. From folks I work with, but also in articles, books, and social media. Moms and dads, students and colleagues, single and married, young and old. More and more people, when they get honest and vulnerable with themselves, admit that often and...

October 11, 2016—Day 284 (WD 565)

Stillness, Gentle Spirit – It’s a cloudless sky, this morning, and the eastern horizon brightens with the dawn, as the temperature dips below freezing. In the brightness of the rising sun, the peak autumn colors blaze, even as I notice that the number of bare branches...

March 13, 2016—Day 72 (WD 353)

Blessings on this Grand Morning, Dear Creator! I’m definitely getting in the mood for spring with these last few days, Universe.  But, there’s a chance for some snow showers tomorrow, just to keep things interesting.  Each season speaks to a different part of me,...