January 19, 2016—Day 18 (WD 299)

Brrr, Creator – You’ve made this morning bone-chillingly cold.  You make it easy to recognize the richness in my life – a roof over my head; warm clothes to stay warm; a job that helps afford those things, as well as put food on our table.  I have a caring partner...

Which will guide?

It’s helpful to remember our power to choose and notice the source of our thoughts.  Does our choice feel freeing, light, and positive, with love?  Or is it constricting, heavy, and negative, from fear? Set the intention to choose with love.  And, check in with...

Intention and Abundance

I feel that I’ve set a course, as of late, and I’ve been working more purposefully and with more effect. I still get stuck, like the beginning of last week…but, I still co-launched our Journey of Discovery program (which is All About JOY) with my...

No Vacations…and The Next Challenge?

Alright, hide the kids and proceed at your own risk–this is going to come out straight, no chaser! I (we) just got back from a lovely, adventurous, fun vacation, and I have this gnawing question on my mind: Why do we (I) need to take a vacation from our (my)...

Christmas Morning Gratitude

I rose early this morning. Earlier, even, than in my youth, when the anticipation of opening presents had me bounding from my bed. Today I rose with a peaceful clarity of thought. The tiny clear lights on the Christmas tree softly illuminated our quiet home. I set...