I’m Curious

So, I’m curious how you feel about this topic I raised—the belief that you can do ANYTHING. Now that you’ve had a few days to consider it, and I’ve introduced the idea that to be at your BEST and MOST CREATIVE self, you need to practice self-care and well-being, like...

October 10, 2016—Day 283 (WD 564)

Bright Morning, Dear Creator! The sun is shining in a mix of clouds and blue sky.  There’s a steady, cool breeze quaking and trembling the bright-colored leaves still on the trees.  It’s the start of a lovely fall day. My wife and I spent part of the day yesterday...

October 3, 2016—Day 276 (WD 557)

Blessed Morning, Dear Creator! Another day that I’m up before dawn.  I must say, yesterday’s sunrise was not spectacular.  It merely went from darkness to a gloomy overcast.  Yet, I’m hopeful what today may have in store. Yesterday’s hike up Mt. Cardigan was an...

April 19, 2016—Day 109 (WD 390)

Sweet Greetings, Dear Universe! Thank you, Dear One, for all that I have here in my life.  I am well; I am safe; I am happy.  That is enough, and I am enough. Each of us, Dear Reader has our strengths and weaknesses – the things that come naturally to us, and things...

March 26, 2016—Day 85 (WD 366)

Gratitude and Blessings, Dear and Loving Creator – Here is the 366th day of my practice, opening to your impulse and inspirations, Great Guides, allowing part of The Universe to flow through me and manifest on my Morning Pages.  This milestone signifies writings for...