December 20, 2016—Day 354 (WD 635)

Bright and Rising, O Great Creator! Bright and rising certainly describes the sun on this frosty cold morning.  There’s also the smoke rising from chimneys in town, and the steam rising from the barn’s metal roof across the way, as the sun’s rays vaporize the white...

December 18, 2016—Day 352 (WD 633)

Knowing to Do, My Creator – It snowed all morning, into the afternoon.  We may have gotten 5-6 inches.  Overnight, we got more precipitation, possibly starting as a frozen mix, and currently it looks like rain coming down, in the dark.  The rain should last for a...

December 17, 2016—Day 351 (WD 632)

Blessings, Loving Creator! It is snowing! I slept in.  This was the first morning in a really long time without an alarm.  And, I have awakened to a winter wonderland. The snow is falling hard in small flakes, slanted in the breeze, thick like fog.  In my winter...

December 14, 2016—Day 348 (WD 629)

Always the Wonder, Dearest Creator! Here, I witness another sunrise.  One moment, clouds; then, a short time later, clear skies shaded in pink and orange hues, blending into baby sky-blue. Sunrise is in the name of my business.  It symbolizes, to me, the fresh start,...

December 4, 2016—Day 338 (WD 619)

Rise Up, Great Creator! I’m up this morning at 4:30 a.m., after a rather fitful sleep.  ODS is meeting this morning for training at our snowshoeing site, the grounds of the Montshire Museum.  After a couple hours of training outdoors, I’ll head to the store for the...