May 4, 2016—Day 124 (WD 405)

Blessings, Glorious Universe! My journey continues, the path unfolding as I go, created by how I go.  The way I see it, my attitude and intention carve out my path.  Or, maybe it’s that my attitude and intention affect the way I perceive this path I’m on. I think both...


Today, My Happiness is…Having Run! I may have mentioned here before that I am fairly new to running.  I had attempted to take up running a few times in my life, but found it too lonely, boring, and time-consuming.  At least, that’s what my mind told me.  I...

Sunrise after the Longest Night

Tonight is crisp, and bone-chillingly cold. The temperature is in the low 20’s, but the wind chill makes it feel only single digits above zero Fahrenheit. The night sky is sharp and clear; Orion is prominent overhead. Smoke curls from most every chimney; the...