What Works For You?

Do you ever take a moment, like a good five or ten minutes, or even more, and REALLY look at all the stuff you have to do? Really unpack each item, and consider why it’s on your list, and how you feel about doing it? And, do you take a couple minutes to dream of...

Have You Been Waiting?

Have you been WAITING?   WAITING until it doesn’t feel as scary? WAITING until it will be easier? WAITING until you’re more certain? WAITING until you know it’s the RIGHT THING to do? WAITING until you know everything will be alright?   HERE’S THE THING—to get to ANY...

Do The Impossible!

I want to circle back to the idea that You Can Do Anything.  If you haven’t already, would you share how this thought lands for you?  I’d love for you to either post a comment or PM me.  I think there’s some valuable conversation to be had.  For some people, they get...