Do you ever take a moment, like a good five or ten minutes, or even more, and REALLY look at all the stuff you have to do?

Really unpack each item, and consider why it’s on your list, and how you feel about doing it?

And, do you take a couple minutes to dream of another of your lists—the things you wish you could do, if you had the time, energy, and freedom?  The list that’s hidden under the first; the list you hardly ever acknowledge, because you think it would be too painful to admit to anyone, even yourself, these things your heart desires.  Dreams that you believe would look selfish and indulgent to satisfy.


I’ve been caught up in my To-Do’s the last couple weeks, finishing up projects for my Master Coach Training.  Time, energy, and vision got very constricted as I pushed to meet deadlines.


I didn’t enjoy things as much as I think I could have, and I think my creativity was stunted.  I completed all my projects to date, but I think my results were less than ideal.


Which is my way of sharing that I GET IT.  It happens to me, too.  That list of To-Do’s can grab the headlines and all our attention.


What I NEEDED to do was return to that second list—The Things I Really NEED.  Communion with my Spirit Guides, meditation, movement, time outdoors, time writing, time coaching, time creating.

This is what I need to feel PEACEFUL and FREE.  And, that is how I WANT TO BE; HOW I WANT TO SHOW UP IN THE WORLD.


And, I NEED time to remember and feel that.  Time every day.  My Spiritual Discipline.

Time to remind myself who I want to be.  Time to reflect whether I’m doing the things that are going to make me feel the way I want to feel, so that I can be that person.


Luckily, I’ve had a summer to develop my practice.  And, I have a great coach who reminds me what works, and what doesn’t.


So, I’m returning to what works for me.





With Love, Dear One.