I want to circle back to the idea that You Can Do Anything.

 If you haven’t already, would you share how this thought lands for you?  I’d love for you to either post a comment or PM me.  I think there’s some valuable conversation to be had.

 For some people, they get angry when I say they can do Anything.  Because, they just don’t see it, so they can’t believe it.  They feel like they are held down, their backs jammed against a wall; so that everything, and anything, is out of reach and impossible.

 Then, there are the people who have cracked through that, the only way that one can—by Doing.  By risking failure, and daring to do the things they don’t think they can.

Not epic, monumental things.  No, not at first.  And, not all at once.  Just small risks.  Tiny dares.

Because, impossible means impossible.

So, your first risk doesn’t have to be the HUGE, TURNING LIFE UPSIDE-DOWN decision.

It can be inquiring if your company pays tuition for further education.  It can be scheduling time in your day, every day, to walk.  It can be partnering up with someone to meet for a yoga class.  It can be starting your day with a half hour of journaling, or ending your day with fifteen minutes of a gratitude practice.

It can be any one of those things, if right now it seems impossible for you to do tomorrow.

What’s that one thing for you that seems like it should be easy enough, but you still doubt you will do it?

Let me know what that thing is.

And, tomorrow, you’ll have one more reason to DO THE IMPOSSIBLE!