Welcome the Bright New Day, Dear Creator!

Today’s sun shines in a clear, cloudless sky, and the steam of melting snow rises from roof peaks.  A clamor of activity fills the air; so different from yesterday’s snowy peace.

It’s the Friday before Christmas.  I slept in today, and it felt good.  I definitely needed it.  I still need more, truthfully.  But, today is the last day in my long stretch, which ends with a Starlight Snowshoe Adventure tonight.  Then, tomorrow – maybe some more sleep and relaxation.

I’ve talked before about the old patterns that we continue to follow, even when they no longer work for us; when they’re breaking our spirit and our hearts.

I was having a conversation with someone yesterday, and he was telling me what he “had” to do for Christmas, because he “had” to make someone else happy.

Ahh, the story of the martyr.  I’ve framed myself as the hero of that story many times.  I “have” to do certain things; I am suffering as a result; I give up my freedom and happiness for the sake of others.  Doesn’t that make me a hero?  Doesn’t that make me worthy?

Here are some truths I’ve come to recognize about my own “martyr story.”  Often, no one was really forcing me to be the martyr; I was simply adopting that role for myself.  And, even if someone was expecting or requiring that of me, it was still my choice to accept the role, or not.

This story – I have no choice; I “have” to do this; I don’t get to be happy – does not taste of freedom.  It is a lie.  Of course, that’s easier for me to recognize when someone else is playing the role.  “What if you did what you wanted for Christmas?”

Simple.  In a way.

But, that reveals something else about the “martyr story.”  We use it to hide – to hide from making choices; from risking vulnerability; from daring to ask what it is that will make us whole and happy.

Because, if we were to face all that, and still not become whole and happy – well, what then?  What would that say about us?

Instead, we stay small, where we feel safe, trying to convince ourselves and the rest of the world that we don’t have a choice, and that we matter because we suffer.

Rather than risking everything to be whole and happy.


Please consider this Prompt:

Once again, Dear One, it comes down to choice – how we choose to see the world, and how we choose to be.

We really can change our world by changing the story we’re telling, and changing the choices we make.

Are you playing the martyr in your own version of your story?  What would happen if you were to choose your own freedom – to be whole and happy?

Tell me about it!  Brilliant Conversations!


To tend to ourselves; to be whole and happy.  And, to recognize and allow others to do the same for themselves.  Talk about powerful transformations!  Thanks for this Wisdom, My Spirit Guides!