Connections and Rhythm, Dear Universe!

It’s a clear, really cold morning, with wind chill currently at -19°F.  The high temperature for today is predicted to be 13°F, with the wind chill around 0°F.  Brr!

Dear One, I’ve been thinking about what dHarma offered me yesterday – wisdom regarding my Power to Choose.

I am Energy.  And, this Universe is a huge source of Energy and Love, flowing all around me; yet, I feel somehow separate and disconnected from it.

How do I tap into that infinite Energy all around me?

For me, I feel certain that the answer is not found in rushing around, burdening and overwhelming myself with busyness.

The way I connect with the Pulse of the Universe is by getting still and quieting my mind.  Then, I am able to go deeper within; I am able to hear the music of my heart, and feel the rhythm of the Universe.

As with most things for me, first there is a knowing, before it becomes incorporated in what I do and who I am.  It brings to my mind the four stages of learning and mastery – unconscious incompetence; conscious incompetence; conscious competence; and, finally, unconscious competence.  Ultimately, to be able to simply do, without needing to consciously think through all the components of the act – like tying our shoes or driving a manual transmission.

We only reach mastery through deep practice.  And patience.

This is the lesson I am offering myself – the gift of mastering My Energy, and learning to connect with The Flow of Energy and Love of the Universe.


Here is a Prompt to try Today:

Dear One, what lesson have you created for yourself?

When you think about something you wish was more abundant in your life, you are creating the opportunity to practice drawing that to you.

Whether it’s peace, patience, money, happiness, courage, etc. – whatever it is that you recognize and declare that you want, that begins your knowing.

Take that first step toward mastery by committing to the deep practice required, and offering yourself patience and kindness during the process.


We can have what we desire when we allow ourselves to move toward it.  Often, the most important step is getting out of our own way.  Thank you, Guides!  Namasté.