Inquiring, Benevolent Creator –

We’ve got a couple days of an arctic blast hitting us – wind chills in the single-digits during the day and below zero at night.

Ray:  Dear Spirit, what is it I need to hear right now?  I’m feeling drained.  I’m excited about the ideas I’m having, especially for 2017 coming; but, I can’t seem to find the time, or summon the energy to pull those ideas into reality.

dHarma:  Dear Ray, I remind you that you are the creator of your life.  What there is in your life, it’s what you’ve asked for; some lesson you’ve wished to learn.  What you want in your life is also available to claim, and that’s a lesson, too.

Ray:  Right now, I have mixed feelings about that opportunity/responsibility to create my life.  I think it’s because I feel stretched and out of energy.

dHarma:  You are pure energy, Ray.  And, just like your smartphone or your car battery, you have to maintain and recharge, or else nothing will function properly.  You may not like having to recharge your phone so often, or having to periodically replace your car battery, but it’s what is necessary.

As long as you continue consuming energy trying to fulfill traditional roles, playing it safe, chasing security and other people’s approval, you won’t have anything left for your own dreams and your purpose.

It’s about choice – Your Choice.

Ray:  It doesn’t feel like good news, dHarma.

dHarma:  Oh, but it is such good news, Ray!  There’s some training and practice for you; but, once you’ve practiced more, you’ll know how to focus and control your energy, and you’ll love what you can do with it!


Here is Today’s Prompt:

Your Choice, Dear One.

It can feel heavy, accepting ownership for where you are, and what you have in your life.  I get it.

Ultimately, though, the fact that you truly have the power to make different choices can give you hope.

Look at those areas of your life where there is struggle, dissatisfaction, and discomfort.

Know that you have the power to change that and create something new.

What is one small turtle step you can make in that new direction?


I am pure energy.  This is a lesson with which I’ll need your help, Dear Guides!