
Good Morning, My Dear Creator –

Birds are chirping, and the morning is mild and overcast.

Dear One, I’ve had a couple questions circling around me, probably since last week, but growing clearer and stronger in the last couple days.

My thoughts and emotions can spiral away when I’m watching the latest news cycle.  Everything seems so angry, divisive, and dangerous.  Fear seems like a very reasonable response to much of what is going on in the world.  In fact, being unafraid really seems unreasonable.

In my moments of pause, though, like when I’m meditating, or when I’m sitting here each morning contemplating and holding open for Divine Love’s message – I’ll hear the chirping of a bird, or the clear, simple tone of a bell; I’ll see the sunlight brighten the valley or paint the sky amazing colors.

Or, I’ll feel the tremble of Divine Connection when I realize the Love between us all.

When I begin with me, and open and flow outward, I experience the Love that connects and unites us all.

I’ve been asking myself – “What do I stand for?”  And, it’s not in a militant, argumentative, aggressive, right-vs-wrong way.  It’s also not about others and their business.

When I stay in my own business, and ask myself what I stand for – I realize that I stand for Love.

I choose Love.  And, that means tolerance.  Especially when I disagree with someone.  Kindness.  Forgiveness.  Humility and respect.

Throughout my day, I strive to remember and act for what I stand for.

Second, I’ve been thinking that I want to check in with myself more, and ask myself – “What will bring me joy in this moment?”

As opposed to just doing that which I believe I’m “supposed to do.”

So far, it’s all just the beginning of my work in progress.


Please consider this Prompt:

Dear One, what are the answers you get when you ask yourself these two questions?

If you are feeling overwhelmed by the state of the world you keep seeing, please disconnect for a moment and go within.

Find some stillness, and recognize that call from your own heart, desiring peace and love.  Feel that.

Know that we all have that.  Quieter than all the shouting fear of our lizards, our hearts calmly call for love and peace.  And joy.

What will feel joyful to you today?  Will you give yourself that?


Following our hearts, Dear Guides, is how we know to do!  Much Love!