
A Way of Gentleness, Dear Universe!

I’m enjoying this first cup of coffee.  Hot and soothing on my throat going down, and the mug is warm and heavy in my hands.

Sometimes it’s nice to have a little chill, and to bundle up and enjoy the warmth.

The dawn is just beginning, the eastern sky brightening in blue, with a tinge of orange blending in at an arc upon the horizon.  Overnight clouds look like a curtain being pulled back to reveal the morning sky of a new day.

The Way of Integrity may seem to be one of confrontation or forthrightness; of disagreement and dis-harmony.

It really is not meant to be.  Much of the perceived struggle comes from our thoughts and our ego.

The Way of Integrity ultimately is a Way of Gentleness.  Of Release.  Of Freedom.

Integrity is wholly about agreement and harmony within one’s self.

When I use my Sense of Integrity, I check in to feel if I am being, saying, and doing what is true for me.  Do I feel in agreement and in harmony?  Does it feel easy and flow like water?

If yes, feel that.  If no, feel that.  And, choose differently.

That’s all internal.  Beyond that, do I need to say anything about my choice to anyone else?  Well, I check in.  Sometimes, it’s our ego that wants to announce our choices.  If my sense of integrity calls me to speak; if that feels gentle and easy, down the path to creating harmony within me; then, I should speak.  If it is ego, then silence will be the path to greater harmony.

Every moment is different.  Every moment we are different.  Be awake in each moment and use your sense of integrity to guide you.


Here’s a Prompt for your consideration:

Dear One, are you meditating?  Are you sitting with yourself in silence, observing your thoughts racing by like the ticker on a 24-hour news channel?

Are you able to just observe them going by, without attaching to any?

This is challenging enough work.  Remember, it’s not your job to decide what others’ thoughts, speech, or actions should or should not be.

Integrity is within.  Your Gentle Way flows from within.


Gentle and flowing, My Dear Guides.  This is the Path to True Freedom.  Thank You!