
Goodness, Big Old Universe!

It’s too dark yet to see what this morning and this day will be.  But, in a couple days, we’ll be turning the clocks back, and this hour in the day will be given a different name.

What a wonderful example of how we can change our beliefs about something, and how thoughts are just thoughts.  Saturday, there will be a sunrise, like there has been for millennia, and here we’ll be calling it 7:30 a.m.  Then, Sunday’s sunrise will be labeled 6:30 a.m.  Aside from perhaps a little more sleep and a few days of adjustment, our mind accepts the new label pretty quickly and easily, like the old label before it.


Earlier this week, I stayed up watching the last two games of the World Series.  And, I’m glad I did.  Wow.

I’m tired, though, and behind on my rest.  It affects me in subtle and pervasive ways – my patience and attention, my word retrieval, my attitude and stamina.  I am not at my best.

What I should do is rest.  This seems clear to me – what I need.

At the same time, I’m also thinking in terms of responsibility and commitment.  I’ve committed to writing these Pages every day, yet I’m behind in my posting; I must go to work; I don’t want to let anyone down.

I made the choice to stay up and watch the games.  Now, tired, I’m feeling that I have to suffer the consequences.

I haven’t started the second lesson of The Integrity Cleanse, and I think that’s because I struggle, I pause, with making the call to move forward.

And here, I know I need rest, yet I have all of these withholding thoughts and reasons; so, I don’t allow myself to just rest.

I’m hoping that this Integrity Cleanse will help me unlock the Way; so that I truly see and understand how to do the thing I know to do.  Part of that answer, though, will mean doing things differently than I have learned to do them.  Once again, Tearing Up the Old Rules!


A Prompt for Today:

It’s just so fundamental, Dear One – feeling well-rested.

We have a tendency to marginalize and deprioritize our rest, when it can so quickly impact so much of our daily life.

For me, getting more rest can mean turning off the screens to eliminate the distraction and temptation to stay engaged when I really need to disconnect and recharge.

It can also mean doing something I find rewarding and uplifting, like meditation or a hike, which helps refill my spirit.

What are ways that refuel you?  When was the last time you sat, or napped, because you were tired?

Let’s help the World by beginning to get the rest we need!


Integrity and self-care go hand-in-hand.  That’s what I’m seeing.  I’m also seeing my resistance.  Thanks for your guidance, Loving Spirits!