
A Pause, Brilliant Universe –

I mention pause, Dear One, as recognition for the need for it in my daily life.  I have not been meditating or bringing stillness to myself.

On the surface, I tell myself that I don’t have much time for meditation, especially as I continue my writing and posting of these Sunrise Pages every day, I work my retail job five days per week, and I carry on a minimum of household chores and maintenance, as well as spend some time with my wife and interact with family and friends.

Currently, though, I am working through my Integrity Cleanse, and I have to acknowledge the backwards-thinking I see in myself, incorporating self-sabotage and avoidance.

I acknowledge that I watch television in my day; often, at night to end my day.  There is an element of escape.  And, it’s now the time to ask myself – “Escape from what?”

I believe that stillness will invite and reveal integrity, and maybe, in my case, integrity is inviting stillness.

It makes sense to me that I have the power to flip my thinking about the time I have and how I spend it, and that I can commit to first taking time for stillness and meditation.

I want simple, sacred, and true.  The reality is, that doesn’t happen without change, without making my life, my day, and my moments more simple, sacred, and true.

I notice my “fear glasses.”  What if I fail and don’t find Peace?  What if people don’t like who my True Self is?  What if I don’t like me?

Of course, it doesn’t really make sense to me – when I am currently not satisfied with how I show up and represent myself in the world, and I wish to be something better; that I would resist my efforts to change, because of my fears – especially the fear to try, but fail.

Not trying leaves me right where I am.  And, Dear One, that’s just no longer enough.


So, here’s Today’s Prompt:

Self-sabotage – it’s time to get honest with yourself, Dear One.

What are the things you’re always talking about changing in your life, yet never really do anything about?

* Please note – this is not an invitation for you to beat up on yourself.  I’m just asking for a little awareness and honesty.

Just recognize when you are holding yourself back.  Do you like where you are?

If not, you will need some conscious action and discipline to create change.

It’s Time!


Integrity and stillness are my path to the Peace I seek.  Guides, thank you for helping me see my path!