
Peace, Grand Universe!

Fog has rolled in this morning, and rain and cooler temperatures are headed our way.  There’s even a chance of snow showers in the mountains this weekend.  I love it!

The first step in Martha Beck’s DIY Integrity Cleanse Kit (digital) is to develop one’s sense of integrity.  By examining your past decisions and identifying the physical sensations that manifested (and manifest) in your body as a result, you can develop the ability to tune in to your body in any moment, using those sensations as an indicator for when you are in, or out, of alignment with your integrity.

For me, one of the uncomfortable side effects of this exercise is the process of revisiting many of the choices I’ve made in the past, with the admission that I was not in my integrity. I come face-to-face with decisions that I have made that were poor, selfish, juvenile, cowardly, and weak.

Here’s the thing, though – it is not the act of looking at these choices that creates the truth about their character.  Not looking would not, does not change that truth.

This is my past.  It is real.  I’ve made choices and acted in ways that I regret and of which I am ashamed.  I cannot change my past.

I can accept it, learn from it, and use it as motivation to exercise this Integrity Cleanse and to develop my practice of living in integrity.


Please consider the following Prompt:

Dear One, we all make mistakes.  One of the keys to development and growth is our ability for introspection and honest self-assessment, in order to modify and change in a positive direction.  And, developing the power to forgive – ourselves, as well as others – is essential on our Journey of Integrity.

Are you willing to examine your history; to study when you were in or out of your integrity, and to understand the results that your choices created?


The path to Integrity is not perfection – it’s the willingness to be honest and accepting.  That calls for forgiveness, too.  Blessings, My Loving Guides!