Sunrise Pages September

Peace, Glorious Universe!

Rain is here this morning, soaking into everything.  It’s good to receive this dose of rain; we can definitely use it.

I’ve talked about our need for connection and community, Dear One.  Because we are human, we are wired for relationships, where we are seen and heard, and where we see and hear others.  It’s important to know that we are a part of the whole and that we matter, and there is reward in helping others realize that they are also a part and that they matter, as well.

The reality, though, is that intertwined within community, there are also relationship dynamics.  And, sometimes, drama.  The drama that gets created, and that some seem to feed off of, can be exhausting and repulsive, driving us away.

I believe our relationships, like all other things, fall on a spectrum and are dynamic and ever-changing, ever-shifting.  It serves us to be flexible and resilient in managing all of our relationships.  Take things too much to heart, and we get entwined in the drama.  Stand too far back, and we feel detached and disconnected from the soul of the community.

The key is the power we own in managing ourselves within the community.  Primarily, this management shows up in the boundaries we set, and the way we communicate, act, and respond.

Fundamentally, though, it goes deeper, to being truly Authentic, and living in our Integrity.  With kindness and compassion, to say what we mean and to do what we believe.

Two other points – first is, don’t be fooled – we all bring some drama to the party.  How we are showing up, being, and responding to the group and our own lives is going to be human, messy, and imperfect, just like everyone else.  That’s okay – but, that’s the reality of it, and it’s important to not forget that.

Second – we are not meant to fit into every group, everywhere.  Consider, if you feel like you’re trying to fit your square self into a group of round holes, or vice versa, that, just maybe, that’s exactly true.  Maybe you need to let go of one group and find your tribe – a group that fits you better, that feels more like home.


And now, a Prompt for you:

Dear One, consider the boundaries that you have in your relationships.  Do you feel pulled by other people’s stories and drama?

Use you Integrity to set the boundaries that allow you to be Authentic.  Your boundaries should allow you to kindly hold enough of the space you need as an individual, while enabling you to truthfully ask for what you need.

The best part of setting these boundaries is that it allows your True Self to show up and give, and be a part of the community.


Using Integrity and Authenticity to strengthen our relationships.  Right On, My Guides!