Sunrise Pages September

Opening to Deep Stillness, Divine Creator!

Looking out my windows at the day, it all seems so still, and our regular visitor, the morning fog, is back again, with no sign of the sun.

My sleep was a little restless last night and, once again, too short.  I had an odd, uncomfortable dream about being in-store, trying to deal with bike repair issues and some member programs called “Starz” and “Hitz,” all of which I knew nothing about, nor are they real Bean things.  Sleep Scale: 3.5/5.

When I first began journaling my Morning Pages, a little over a year before I started sharing these Sunrise Pages as posts, I typically wrote three handwritten pages almost every day.  The truth is that it took me at least an hour, often longer, to write those three pages.

As I was exploring the expression of my creativity, I also explored doodling, and I dared to doodle and began sharing one of my creations, “Turtle & Lama.”  I formed a goal and structure where I would look for a specific line or two from within my week of Morning Pages that I could channel into a scene delivered by Turtle & Lama.

At the same time that I was doing that, there was a little part inside me asking myself – “Wait.  What?  Just who the hell do you think you are?!”

Have you ever had that voice, Dear One?  That part of your lizard mind that sees you stretching beyond comfort and beyond what you know you know; daring to try something new, that will definitely draw attention and get you seen.

And that lizard voice of yours, partly in outrage, but also in bewilderment and amazement, can’t fathom you taking that degree of “risk,” taking on that amount of exposure and vulnerability.

And after, no matter how it turns out, to have your lizard say, “Holy crap!  I never thought we could survive that!”

And, you get to say, “But, wasn’t that just the best?!  How cool, how exciting, how much fun was that?!”

And then your Creative Spirit whispers, “Let’s do it again!”


Please consider Today’s Prompt:

Dear One, every prompt we do about what you would do in your dream life, and what small Turtle Step you could do today, are all about answering that bold, daring, and fun question – “Just who the hell do you think you are?!”

Here’s your chance – tap into the stuff that shocks your lizard.  Take two minutes and list all the things you dream about doing that would give your lizard a heart attack!


It’s time for a little Shock and Awe, My Bold Guides!  Thank You!