Sunrise Pages July

Blessings, My Loving Creator –

Waking up and starting our day back “home,” after our first night’s sleep in our own bed.  It’s a good bed, and we both slept well.

This morning is beautiful – picturesque blue skies, and the sun shining.  But, the rolling fields and hills around Lake Champlain, with big skies and the mountains of northern Vermont in the background, are missed.

I know I’ve not experienced the Big Sky of – is it Montana?  Someone I used to work with once told me something about “alpha waves” that were created or could be measured when a person viewed vistas like mountain ranges, lakes, and sunsets.  The way I remember it, these “alpha waves” described or depicted the lifted, free, and positive feelings we get when we are in the presence of this kind of natural beauty.

My wife and I certainly recognized a difference between where we had been living and our move up here, to where we are now.  We would both remark on how the beauty, the pace, and the energy on the drive up, or back down, would shift greatly, and could be felt.  It became a challenge to head back down to tie up the loose ends.

In some ways, I’m there again.  I know that this place, including our residence, doesn’t feel like “home” as much as walking the land overlooking the lake.

Maybe it’s enough that it’s only a couple hours away.  Maybe it’s perfect to have this place where we are now – with work for us, and community, and its own bundle of satisfaction; and yet, to still have the ability and desire to continue to explore, to visit all different kinds of wonders and beauty, all around the world.

What I do think I’ve been given is a “North Star” direction.  I am called to these beautiful, wondrous spaces, and I don’t want to wait, saying “Someday.”


So, today I offer this Prompt to you:

Dear One, it’s time to get brave, and practice stillness.  If you tell yourself that you are too busy, stressed, and overwhelmed to get still, then you are avoiding that what you most need, and the answers to what will fill you up.

It is an act of courage, to get still and listen.  Take that first step, Dear One.  Together, let’s blaze a new trail.


Onward and upward, with a Big Sky overhead, My Loving Guides!