Sunrise Pages July

Celebrations, Dear Universe!

It’s here!  The Fifth Anniversary of our marriage!  Who ever knew, or could imagine?

It’s a nice coincidence that this anniversary falls on a Saturday, just as our wedding day did, five years ago.

We had the good fortune of a clear, sunny day for our outdoor ceremony.  It was a little steamy, but we couldn’t have been happier.

This morning I awoke to the song of goldfinches outside our windows.  Yesterday, we saw deer and bunnies, goldfinches and cardinals, and dragonflies and frogs, as we explored this idyllic area.

It reminds me of the natural setting we had for our wedding.  Hartman’s Herb Farm, with its wildflower aisle; bunny, pigs and piglets, and goats; rustic old barn; and natural herbs and ingredients used in our menu.  It felt fun, free, and wild.

Our wedding day, I believe, was the first day I really understood what it meant to just be content with What Is.  Somehow, I discovered this place within me where, even with all our hopes and plans for the day, there was this peace and deep satisfaction that everything would be exactly as it should.  All was Well, and All would be Well.

I remember sitting with our young guitarist and our vocalist, helping them rehearse together for the first time a song they were performing during our ceremony.  I felt such peace, recognizing how earnestly they were working, and knowing that whatever happened would be fine.  Everything would be fine.

We had family and friends around us, celebrating our union.  We were surrounded by Love.  And, we were surely visited by Dear Ones we had lost, but remembered and held close.

Our day was filled with Joy.

Here’s what I learned – holding the intention, truly, that All is Well and As It Should Be – I found how easy it was to just accept What Happens, to not fret.  I experienced that when I truly connect to the Peace within me, that Peace is unshakable, unwavering, and I am fully grounded in that Peace.

And, when I am grounded in that Peace and Joy, Love radiates out from me and can lift and transform others.

And, All is Well.


So, Dear One, here’s a Prompt for you to enjoy:

What is your Number One favorite memory?

Get still, calm your breath, then your heart, and then go into that memory.

What do you smell, taste, and hear?  What do you feel?  Do you feel the sand between your toes, or the breeze tickling your ears?

Soak in the memory.  See how many details you can tune in to.

When you are done, fill your journal with as many details as you can remember.

Then, tune back in to yourself.  Recognize this as your feeling of Pure Joy.

Ray and Joy Down Road 071611

A magical door opened that day, five years ago, to a new, brighter, fuller Life.  Thank You, Dear Guides – and most especially you, Joy!