Sunrise Pages June

Another Morning, Dear Creator!

It’s overcast and cool, this morning, with a strong breeze blowing.  North of us, there are showers, and even reports of some wet snow in higher elevations.

Yesterday, Dear Reader, I described the path of creation for these Sunrise Pages; a chronology of my practice.  Today, I’ll share a bit of the “Why” of it.

Daily Practice – Two parts of my consciousness were often at odds.  I have my Wild Child, who wants to be free and open in order to be creative, and to find the joy and peace in every moment.  Then, there’s my Dictator-General, who rules firmly, believing deeply in practice and routine to create consistent, repeatable conditions, in order to cultivate success.

For far too long, each time my Dictator-General would advocate for consistency and regular practice, my Wild Child would scream for freedom to be in moment and create.  Likewise, when my Wild Child would beg for more space and time, to allow inspiration to come, my Dictator-General would protest against wasted time and lack of forward movement.

By beginning a consistent journaling practice of Morning Pages, now a year and a half old, I developed a compromise that has brought together the benefits of both sides, and I’ve been rewarded well.

The Dictator-General’s consistent structure of my morning has heightened, not diminished, my Wild Child’s ability to commune with The Divine.  Within the time and space my Dictator has prioritized for journaling, my Wild Child has been wildly creative, and I have had glorious insights about myself and the world around me.

Less than three pages – Julia Cameron shares a secret about her three-page formula.  There’s a phenomenon where, often around the second half of the second page, some Truth or Clarity is revealed.  I suspect that it takes some time and movement each day, within the writing, for the channel to open and the message to develop, and then – BAM!  We write something, and we think, “Wow, where did that come from?”

It may be a truth that we had held hidden and locked in our sub-conscious, or perhaps some dream or desire that we felt too self-conscious or vulnerable to admit out loud.  The rhythm and movement of pen over paper, mind open to dictating each day’s message from the Universe, allows our Inner Truth out.

Our heart’s whisper is revealed to us.  Of course, we do already know it; but still, it’s often shocking to face it with our conscious mind.

For my Sunrise Pages, I have released myself from writing three pages.  My Dictator-General and Wild Child have compromised – better to do some writing; but, holding the time for channeling three pages each morning, and then typing them up and posting them at night, was grabbing time from rest and sleep, and both Dictator-General and Wild Child agreed that that wasn’t working.

One day, when my coaching and writing sustains me, I will return to a consistent three-page practice.  For now, though, I believe the Universe has been agreeable to still opening me to my heart’s message in a timely and effective manner, even without three pages.

The Weather – I often begin with the weather.  It grounds me to the physical and natural.  It’s also an example, to me, of dropping thoughts of what we think “should” be, and accepting What Is.

Also, with the non-winter and other abnormal weather we’ve experienced, I think it helps me recognize how climate change is showing up in my life.

Prompts – I’ve added a daily prompt with my posts, because I was called to include a small exercise to punctuate the day’s Truth for you and me both.


And, here is Today’s Prompt:

Dissecting Your Day – Have you ever taken the time to look at all that you have done in your day, and analyzed Why?

Make a list of the key components of your day today, and next to each, write why you did that thing, and why you did it the way you did it.

Here’s a hint – Go deeper than, “It’s my job; I have to.”


Thank you for these two pages, My Guides.  Just Playing in the Flow!