Sunrise Pages June

Alive and Well, into the New Day, Dear Creator!

It’s quite a picturesque morning – sun shining, blue skies, fog nestling in the valley.  It lights up in my memory so many peaceful summer days.

Crisp mornings while hiking the A.T. – I began so many of my days winding skyward on a green mountainside, cruising alongside a still pond, or trekking over a ridgeline high above a river valley – beautiful scenes, priceless moments that were gifts from the Universe.

Or, on my drives home, after rising before sunrise and driving hours north to spend the day hiking in the Whites.  A day spent up in the mountains, in Divine land; my body good-tired.  Driving back home to the south, the sun lowering in the western sky, the waves of mountains stretched before me would fill with evening haze, cast in a palette of purples, violets, and blues.

There is something magical that awaits us when we return to nature.  Life moves at a different pace, and that changes the deluge of thoughts racing through our mind, and it shifts the pace of our heart.

It takes some time to sync up with this slower, steady rhythm.  We cling tightly to the fast pace and flurry of thoughts in which we’ve been surviving.  We’ve been leaning so hard against the deluge pushing against us that we fear falling down if the flood force were to suddenly disappear.

How will we stand?  We’ll fall down, won’t we?

That’s how accustomed to living under that force and pressure we’ve become.

Maybe we will fall down.  Maybe that’s just what we need – a good rest.  But, never doubt that you can stand again, on your own.  Don’t believe that you need the deluge in order to stand.  Let yourself be free, to stand on your own!


Dear One, I offer this Prompt to you today:

Return to your sit spot.  Soak in the sounds, the smells, the rich colors.  Again, notice any changes since your last visit.

Allow your breath to sync with the rhythm of your spot – the rustle of the leaves, the song of the birds and frogs.  Let your heart beat along to the nature around you.


Climbing a mountain, returning to Nature, is a good way to spend a day, Dear Guides!