Sunrise Pages April

Greetings, Dear Spirit Guides!

Thank you for showing me the power I hold, through the choices I make and don’t make, and with how I attend myself and show up in the World.

The suffering that I feel lets me understand the suffering of others.

The fears I have allow me to understand the power that fear has in others’ lives.

The pain that I experience when I feel lost and disconnected provides me with understanding for that pain in others.

The courageous choices that others make, choosing authenticity and love, offers me shining examples of a Way to Live.

The aura of Joy from those who creatively express themselves and pursue their passions illuminates my path and offers me Hope.

The whole-hearted souls who practice loving-compassion prove the possibility of fulfillment and satisfaction.

Those whose spirits soar, because they risk and dare to follow their calling, inspire me to also dare greatly and to spread my wings.

How we do one thing is how we do everything.  Can we truly tend to others when we don’t tend to ourselves?  Can we be compassionate and forgiving to others when we don’t truly forgive ourselves?  Can we be joyful if we don’t believe we are worthy or deserving enough?

We are powerful creators of the Life we Live.  When we focus on Fears and Doubts, that is what we see, all around us.  When we focus on Love and Wonder, we create a World of Abundance and Opportunity!


Here, for your consideration, is a Prompt:

Make a quick list of the first ten things you think of that you can’t do.

Below that, rewrite each item as a “can do” statement.  For example, if one item is – “I can’t move out west and be a cowboy,” you would write “I can move out west and be a cowboy.”

Once you write your ten “can do” statements, read each one out loud.  Go through your “can do” list three times, and notice any change in how you feel about any of them when you say the statement out loud for the third time.


Thank you, Dear Guides, for helping me to connect with the Flow and radiate My Light!