Sunrise Pages April

Welcome Again, Dear Creator!

Hello Sunshine!  Day following day following day, like wave after wave upon the shore.  I am far from a coastline, but that is one of my Sacred Places – a place where I’ve spent time with dHarma.

I walked last night.  The sky was mostly clear, the almost full moon rising, and the stars were particularly alluring.  I wandered face upwards, tapping into the joy and fascination with the night sky that I had when I was younger.

Mystery and miracle at the same time.  These are the same stars that people have observed for thousands and thousands of years.  Nations have been built and destroyed under these stars; adventurers have journeyed, and ships have been guided by these same stars.

It overwhelms my heart when I remember that the same stuff that created this incredible Universe is the same life-force within me.  Wow!  Quite humbling.

Something else occurred to me as I walked last night.  The interests and curiosities I have, my “hot tracks” – like studying the stars while camping out for the summer in my parents’ backyard, backpacking along the A.T. for two months, my varying interests in writing, music, creative expression, golf, running, nature, the outdoors and the environment, and my devotion to mindfulness, loving-compassion, connection, and coaching – these are what I have to share with the World.

I guess I’ve always thought that there was some absolute expert who could, would, and should explain things better.

But, even that’s a bit of hiding.  Speaking up and sharing my views and passions, from right where I am, is the most authentic and powerful way for me to conjure the magic of connection.

I am ready.  I am well, I am safe, I am happy.  I am enough.

And, I am honored by your companionship and presence on my journey, Dear Reader.


Here is a Prompt for Today:

Can you list twenty “hot tracks” – interests and curiosities in your life?

How about thirty?

Will you make an artist’s date for yourself in the next week, spending part of a day following one of your “hot tracks?”


From The Joy Diet, continuing to risk, Dear Guides – with your loving support, Living Big, and Going Deep, to connect with my people.