Sunrise Pages March

Gratitude and Blessings, Dear and Loving Creator –

Here is the 366th day of my practice, opening to your impulse and inspirations, Great Guides, allowing part of The Universe to flow through me and manifest on my Morning Pages.  This milestone signifies writings for all the days of a full leap year.  It’s taken me fifteen months to accumulate this many writing days, adding up to three months of non-writing during this exercise.

I continue to write.  My writing has changed and grown stronger, I think.  (Particularly when I’m rested – ha.)  Since posting as Sunrise Pages, I more often write only two pages instead of three, decreasing my average; but I would bet that if I counted them all up, I’d have over a thousand written pages.

Dear Reader, I invite you to celebrate.  Not these numbers.  And, not for me, necessarily.  (Although I appreciate any love you do send my way.)  I invite you to witness the success of the process.  Of daring, rather than staying safe.  Of doing, with varying degrees of success and failure, rather than not doing at all.

This is the creation of a miracle.  For me, I always wanted to write; always thought of being a writer.  But, I feared writing poorly and failing.

What that fear and doubt did, for the longest time, was keep me from doing.  It kept me from creating joy.  My joy.

I’ve used the word miracle the last couple days, Dear Reader.  Maybe you disagree with my application within these writings.  But, to my heart, it feels truly miraculous to do something that I so firmly believed was impossible for me to ever do.

There was a time when the thought of me writing to the world seemed as impossible as walking on water.  When the idea that I could be a runner and run for miles at a time, on a regular basis, felt as unbelievable as thinking I could fly.  When the concept that I could go without drinking for even a few days, let alone more than three and a half years – without struggle and temptation the whole time, seemed as ridiculous as believing I could breathe underwater.

The belief that I could be a peaceful soul, not tormented by constant waves of fear and disaster in my life, open to and residing in the Joyful Love and Light of The Universe…Well, it just seems like a complete miracle.

Yet, each of these transformations happened by me taking action, in hope of change.  It truly begins with the first step – no matter how small or tentative.  Then another and another.

It is simple, Dear One.  And only as hard as you believe it to be.  Want to play tennis?  Buy a racquet.  Go out and hit a ball against a wall every day.  Will you be invited to play Wimbledon in a year?  Probably not.  Why let that stop you?  Let it be enough to do this new thing, to engage in the play of curiosity and learning.  Give yourself permission to create joy in your life.

This week I participated in a fly-casting clinic.  I was curious, and it looked challenging and fun.  I’ve never caught a fish in my life, and I think it quite possible that I never will.  But, I could see myself following this hot track, practicing the quite mindful meditation of fly-fishing.  And, one day, maybe I will miraculously catch a fish.


A Prompt for you:

From yesterday’s prompt, look at your list of things you haven’t tried.  Pick one.  Remind yourself what might happen if you succeed.  Now dare to take a first step.

Let me know how it goes by posting in the comments.


Dancing and Living in Your Light and Love, Dear Universe!