Sunrise Pages February

Greetings to the Morning, Dear Creator –

I enjoyed my time yesterday with Turtle & Lama.  It started with that clear message that appeared in yesterday’s Pages.  That’s how other Turtle & Lama creations have begun.  I’ll write something as it comes to me, and I’ll put an asterisk in the margin to mark it.

After the morning’s Pages are written, I start playing with the vision for the scene.  I start imagining how they both might look right at the moment the message is spoken.  But, sometimes, it can also be about the emotions before the moment, which I imagine inspiring the message, that are important and are represented in the image.  Likewise, there are times when I strive to capture the sense of peace that I hope the message provides.

Certainly, this is part of why Turtle and Lama help me portray aspects of my awareness in one moment.  I see part of me in each of them.

It is an odd thing, that I doodle these creations, and that people connect and appreciate them.  It is an example for me, of giving myself permission to do something creative that I was pretty sure I didn’t do well.

What I mean by that is, I had no confidence or experience in art or doodling; just an appreciation and admiration.  I came across another life coach, Allison Crow, who created visual inspiration with style and color.  The visual certainly had an impact on me.

At some point, Allison mentioned her doodle training, with Diane Bleck at The Doodle Institute.  I followed that path and also enrolled.

For me, doodling is fun.  Even so, and even with all the Turtle & Lama scenes I’ve created, I haven’t done all the instruction or played regularly with doodles and personal creations.

But, I have played a bit.  I’ve got a binder with my own colorful creations, that, as I write this, I am being guided to start sharing.

Sharing these would do a couple things – it would put these personal creations out in the world, connecting with those for whom these visual messages resonate.  And, it would fuel me to keep playing and practicing in this medium.

Maybe you’ve seen the doodle notes I created from a Martha Beck interview about using Fear as your Rocket Fuel.  Sometimes, I look at it, and I see inconsistencies with the spacing of the images, and I think it looks amateur.  But, sometimes it catches my eye, and I am amazed that I created it.

So, I think I’ll keep playing and sharing.  For me, it’s a fun, expressive, and creative way to merge my mind and heart with artful, inspired messaging.  I’ll gain practice and confidence, I’m betting; much like what’s happening with my writing.

As I work through the doodling classes, I plan to share my work here.  Again, creating an accountability which helps me stay on my path and move forward, even when my head is telling me it’s too challenging or scary.

Once again, I’m at a point where I will choose to ask and explore, “What’s the best that might happen?”


So, here’s a prompt for you today:

What’s something you could do just for the fun of it; letting go of the need to do it well, and just practicing and playing?


What’s the best that could happen?


Remember your “boundary” sentence that you’re repeating each day this week?  How about doodling it for yourself each day?


Alright, Guides – I’ll see you in my doodles!