Sunrise Pages

Oh Happy Day, Great Spirit!

Thank you for your love, help, and support creating these pages each morning.  I hope together we are creating a space and place that is attracting and connecting with people who find the content and ideas we’re sharing thoughtful and constructive.  I hope to share and shine a light on strategies to discover and connect with Joy, Purpose, and Satisfaction in one’s life.

I’m excited about this new year.  I’ve really enjoyed my retail work at L.L. Bean this past holiday season, and the people I’ve worked with and met.  Now that the season is over, my hours there are being reduced.

While this concerns me on one level, I also see this as an opportunity to share and expand my coaching.  I recognize how deeply satisfying my coaching work is to me; building one-to-one relationships, supporting my clients in rediscovering and healing themselves, finding their paths to balance, joy, and purpose.

I admit there’s some fear there for me.  But, I recognize the source of that fear – I’m stretching into the unknown, in an area that matters to me.  So, I feel vulnerable, as well as excited.

Martha Beck offered a conversation last year, “Be Your Own Hero: How to Harness Fear into Fuel”.  In it, she explored how we react, and interact, with our fear.  Some of us try to conquer fear, or hide from it.  But, when we surrender to our fear, we can see it as a doorway – to something daring; but also deeper, richer, and more fulfilling.

As we dare more often, we recognize that our deepest, truest desires are on the other side of the door, and the fear we feel can actually fuel our commitment and actions.

Fear into Fuel

When we tap into that fuel, we dare more often, willing to suffer; risking, and finding, failure – which we understand as the deep practice necessary to strengthen and evolve into Who We Most Want to Be.

When I think about my coaching, the fear I feel is my deepest, truest voice saying, “This truly matters to me.”  I cherish the work I do with my clients.  I am honored by the relationships we’ve built, and the sacred space we’ve shared.  I am humbled and delighted by the successes they’ve discovered.

I am excited to share more journeys, build more relationships, and witness more people discover and realize their true purpose.

One thing about my journey, though – I need partnership.  In these Sunrise Pages, I’ve been sharing and describing my strategies and philosophy of a way.  And, I now have more space in my schedule to do the work.

What I need is you!  I want to work with you, if you want more in your life, or from your life.  If you’re tired of feeling stuck and frustrated.  If you know what you want and where you want to go, but are having trouble getting there.  Or, if you want to go deeper, to find your creative voice and divine purpose.

Standing on the diving board, above the water, the pool can seem like the scary thing.  But, it’s not.  The fear is just a thought – about the leap, about the unknown after.  The pool itself, though, is amazing and refreshing.

Here I am, leaping!  Will you join me?