Vote YesWell, it’s Election Day today.  It’s easy to just list voting on the day’s to-do list.  But, it’s really a privilege, and worth taking the time to make the most of the opportunity.  If you value your vote, you take the time to weigh your options.  After all, your vote represents your values, and casting your ballot is claiming your truth and your voice.

But we actually have the opportunity to vote every day.  We are given the opportunity to make choices so many times each day; each choice can course correct our life’s journey.  How many times, though, are we just on auto-pilot?  Just repeating patterns and behaviors, even when they leave us unsatisfied and discontent.

What about our choices of what we wear, how we spend our time, what we worry about, what we celebrate, how much we rest and play?  So many choices that we convince ourselves are too small, insignificant, and won’t be the big fix.  But, moment-by-moment, incrementally and systematically, a series of small changes can turn the biggest ship around.

Keep that in mind.  Hold each choice preciously.  Remember, it is your voice, your values, your heart.

The graphic here announces our Holiday Workshop that I’m leading with my fellow coach, Jeannine Gury.  We truly believe this is another voting opportunity; the chance for you to claim the Joyful Holiday you wish for and deserve.  If the holidays get you stressed and exhausted, consider enrolling in our workshop to gain a perspective and strategies to focus on the true Joy in the Holidays.