R&J ChautauquaWell, I’ve been away and haven’t written.

Ray zafu-testingIt’s been a nice break for me.  I got the chance to explore a part of the country that was new to me.  We were invited to stay with a great couple who have known my wife a long time.  They are wonderfully caring folks.  I am so grateful that I had the opportunity to get to know them better.

Pearl StTraveling is new for me.  I never knew what I was missing.  Logistics, strangers, and the unknown of the journey and the destination always intimidated me.  No longer.  What I mean to say is that it is no longer greater than my desire and excitement to explore and learn.  Two things have helped me with this: changing my focus from fear to opportunity; and trusting myself to be resilient and resourceful.

prairie dog underpassAnd, what a wonderful world I’ve discovered!!!  New people and places!  Different cultures!  Foods, drinks!  Most amazingly, the widening of my experiences in expanding ripples that touch more and more!

prairie dogIMGP4713Two runs through the Dallas airport to make connecting flights.  A peak-to-peak drive through the Rockies.  Pearl Street in Boulder.  Snow leaving and snow coming.  Seeing amazing photos of our friends’ adventurous travels.  Hitting golf balls and cleaning four inches of snow off the car in the same day.  Prairie dogs.  Finding my meditation zafu.  Lunch at The Dushanbe Teahouse.  From the flight, city lights at night magically sparkling like a second sky.  Opportunities to practice kindness and patience.  Being part of the worldwide global community.